NU Honours 1st Year Result 2017 [2015-2016]. National University Honous 1st Year exam Result 2017 - nu edu bd result ( Are you looking for Honours 1st Year Result 2017 Bangladesh National University Honours 1st Year and First Year result 2017 of the session 2015-2016 (nu result)? Ok dear, no more thinking about NU Honours First Year Result 2017.
Now it is time to share the full process to collect NU Honours 1st Year Result 2017 nu edu bd result. In this article we have discussed full process to collecting nu result (Honours/hons). Generally National University of Bangladesh try to publishing Honours result within shortly of last examination ended.
National University Honours 1st year BA, BBS, BSS exam was held on …….. to …. Under the National University of Bangladesh (, Gazipur. Now in this article help you to collect your NU Honours 1st Year Result 2017. That’s means Nu Honours First year result 2017. Here you can also get HSC Result 2017.
NU Honours 1st Year Result 2017 publishing date:
Do you know when Nu Honours First Year Result 2017 will publish? I think maximum students do not know about Honours 1st Year Result 2017 publishing date. But it is easy to know about result publishing date. Because we know, generally National University Authority (NU Authority) tries to publish result with in shortly from the last exam ending date. So in this year NU Honours First Year Result 2017 of the session 2015-16 will publish on second week of April 2017 after 04:00 PM.
How To Get NU Honours 1st Year Result 2017 from Online/Internet:
2017 Nu Honours 1st year result is able to collect from internet. Every student can collect their Honours First year result 2017 from online. Because maximum number of student use internet from their android smart phone, tablet and computer. They use internet for many purpose. So I think online is the very simple and easy way to collect the result. So now I have gone to share this process. At first visit the official website of National University. It is national university Or visit directly for collecting NU Honours 1st year Result 2017. You can also able to collect your result from our website. Because in the result publishing date official website will be very slow and down for huge traffic. When you visit the website then select Honoues from the left side. Then select Individual result. Now type your exam Roll and registration number. Now select the year (ex: 2017). Now Firstly fill up the right security question for proving you are human. Then click on “Search Result” button or hit “Enter” button from computer. Just wait some moments. Then you will get your NU Honours 1st Year Result 2017 by the internet.
NU Honours 1st Year Result 2017 [2015-2016]